March 21, 2009

Bizarre Musings

These days I am experimenting with what I call 'Bizarre musings'. The challenge is to take something with a depth and convert it into shallow poetry. You have all the liberty in the world to use any crap. Just the constraint is that at the end it should make some sense, though not necessarily anything sensible or of use.
A friend of mine sent a message to a girl he loves, which I have taken as the first line of a poem. Try this:

Come back to me only if you think you are mine
We will consummate our love divine
And I will make you the mother of nine
Each of them strong, healthy, and fine

But in case you decide to decline,
Let us nevertheless go out and dine
I will bathe you in a pool of wine
Made from the best of vine

While you get drunk I will cross the line
Slowly but steadily I will feel your curves so feminine
While your brain is under the control of dopamine,
I will explore deep into your mine

Go ahead and call me a swine
I don't really care and won't whine
You aren't worth more than a concubine

Love and lust don't you try to define
So objectively you can't just determine!
For they are bound to each other just like twine
It has been so between man and woman since ages pristine


prashant said...

hahaha..., good one man

pranjalya said...

Good creative outburst,,!!

gautam said...

great!! in true engg college tradition. keep posting.