August 20, 2004

A dead body in Satya Nagar

My first ballard:

What Socrates or Tolstoy forgot to mention
Human dead is as big a nuisance as it is when breathing.

For two nights and three days
If the autopsy report be believed
A cold human body lay on a roadside
Just beyond the periphery of Dr. Sahoo’s backyard
And visible from Mr. Pattnaik’s entrance
The colony- composed of people of society
People that are ideal citizens of the state
Government servants, doctors and lawyers
Who construct the basics of civilization
And no exception is Sahoo, neither is Pattnaik
Unfair it was that they had to suffer
For two nights and three days

For two nights and three days
And a day more
Humans kept narrating the consequences
Of challenging the might of Patia- the dreaded gang lord
You smell like rotten egg
Suffer the sun of the day and the cold night
None is there to shelter you
Not even brethrens of your gang
That killed and looted and extorted with you
Such is the might of Patia; humans kept narrating
Through whispered breaths and goose-flesh
For two nights and three days

“Why doesn’t anyone file an FIR?”
Asks Mrs. Sahoo unable to bear the foulness
Visits her beloved garden in the backyard
With a hanky stuffed in her nose
But lover of nature and flowers that she is
Keeps worrying how her flowers would tolerate;
Pattnaik children in grade six and nine
Innocent kids have to suffer the sight and smell
So do the father and mother
She postpones a crucial kitty party
And curses colony security and the neighbours
“Why doesn’t anyone file an FIR?”

“Why don’t you file an FIR?”
Asks Sahoo’s nephew who comes for the summer
Student of physics and laws of nature
Unknown to the caprices of law of the land;
He lectures a fundamental duty, as in the constitution
To supply information to guardians of law.
Knows not what a bother it is
To step into a case of crime.
A constable comes on the second day
And laments in neighbourhood, the helplessness of law
To inquire without a First Information Report
“Why don’t you file an FIR?”

Such is the nature of human
Helps not even a victim of road accidents
For never should you mess with law and order
And face the vagaries of court;
Trials that bring you as witness
To the fore of police investigation.
An octogenarian patriarch arrives in day three.
Police and press spring up in action
And reporters volley questions in the vicinity
Such is the nature of human

What Socrates and Tolstoy did mention
Human is for himself

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