August 28, 2004

No New Breaking News

There was a time when reading newspapers was my hobby. Not now. They all suck, except but the business and financial ones. Frankly, I don't understand why I should suffer if America doesn't go for any more misadventures or communal riots go dormant (press guyz must b thanking Mr.Modi for that great bonus last year). Even Pakistan, our 'Worst Friend' since its inception, is not making it to national papers. Come on ISI, where art thou?
Ok. If nothing of quality, I think I do atleast deserve not to read about the 'market-driven' ,'populist' and anti-liberal Chidambaram. Keep him restricted to The Economic Times and don't languish about his tax regime or inflation. Democratic India has no right to question its own representative, at least not for the next five years. You can just hope for a twist-in-the-tale- communists murdered by Lord Voldemort- King of Bihar and Indian Railways murdered by the very dependable Mr.Laden (but why should he...aren't they alloys of similar composition?)
And lastly, BJP sucks more than anyone else. The all-bark party seems desperate to bite but unable to find loopholes. But how will it, segregated and puzzled that it is. The tallest leader has become too small for the party to be visible and is here only as an exhibition of Statesmanship. This party is in urgent needs of a makeover and a new leadership.

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